- John 13:34. This is the heart and foundation of our faith.
St John's Anglican Church in Campbell's Bay, Auckland is well known as a friendly and family-focused church where there is space for everyone.
You are warmly invited to join us and experience first-hand the legendary St John's welcome. It is really great to be able to showcase some of the activities of the parish.
At any time that you can visit us in person and be assured that you will receive a very warm welcome.
St John’s Campbell’s Bay is a community committed to worship, prayer, fellowship, caring and mission.
Hope & Inspiration
We are a member of the Anglican Diocese of Auckland
Our Diocese is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, a family of churches in more than 165 countries.
We support two sister organisations in the Diocese of Auckland - the Anglican Trust for Women and Children and the Auckland City Mission.
The AGM be held in the Church Hall, 327 Beach Road, Campbells Bay at 10:15am on Sunday 30 March 2025.
Lenten study
Tuesday mornings at 10.00am or Thursday evenings at 7.30pm.
Easter Season Services - April
Sunday 13 Palm Sunday services 8 & 9:30am
Thursday 17 Maundy Thursday Service of Footwashing 7:30pm
Friday 18 Good Friday service 9:30am
Sunday 20 Sunrise service 6:30am Campbells Bay Beach (Esplanade Road access)
Sunday 20 Easter Day services 8am and 9:30am
Normal services.
Sunday services at 8.00am and 9.30am.
Wednesday service at 10.00am.
Freewill Offering: Giving via Direct Credit /Automatic Payment is the preferred option (St John’s Anglican Church - Westpac Mairangi Bay- 03 0180 0002723-00). Otherwise giving envelopes are available in the foyer. Thank you all for your continued generous support.
Thank you to our liturgists, readers, chalice bearers, prayers, ushers, greeters, morning tea servers, musicians, power point operators, children’s teachers and flower arrangers and gardeners. You are truly appreciated.
Seasons for Growth
Do you know a child, teen or adult navigating grief, loss or change such as: family separation, divorce, major illness or death of a family member, change of school/geographic area/country, deployment of a family member?
Seasons for Growth can help. Seasons for Growth is a free 8-week programme for children, young people or adults who have experienced grief, loss, and change. Trained Companions run the programmes. We are currently taking bookings to run groups at schools and in community spaces.
If you are interested in a Seasons for Growth programme, please contact Seasons North Shore and Hibiscus Coast Coordinator Gemma Claire, email: seasonsnorthshore@gmail.com, phone: 021 083 94540, visit: https://stmary.co.nz/seasons/
These daily devotions from A New Zealand Prayer Book (a true Toanga of our Church!) are for those who wish to base their daily worship on the New Testament, and whose time for prayer may be limited. This order may be used by itself or as a brief form of daily worship, with the inclusion of a Scripture reading or readings. Each week the seven sections of the Lord’s Prayer are covered, with a morning and evening devotion for each day. We commend them to you. Copyright A New Zealand Prayer Book - Copyright is held by the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
The same pattern is followed throughout:
–a short opening, followed by a Gospel reflection, based on one or more Gospel sayings;–after a brief meditation, a reflection on the epistles;–the daily reading of Scripture may follow;–the order concludes with prayer - Follow the links below:
FOR OUR COUNTRY - Aotearoa New Zealand
God of the southern sea
and of these islands,
of Māori, Pākehā
and of all who dwell in our land;
we give you thanks and praise for our country,
and for what we have achieved together.
Increase our trust in one another;
strengthen our quest for justice,
and bring us to unity and a common purpose.
You have made us of one blood;
make us also of one mind.
Blessed are you, God of the universe.
You have created us, and given us life.
Blessed are you, God of the planet earth.
You have set our world like a radiant jewel in the heavens,
and filled it with action, beauty, suffering, struggle and hope.
Blessed are you, God of Aotearoa New Zealand
in all the peoples who live here,
in all the lessons we have learned,
in all that remains for us to do.
Blessed are you because you need us;
because you make us worthwhile,
because you give us people to love
and work to do
for your universe, for your world and for ourselves.
Lord Jesus, at Nazareth you shared in the life of your family.
Help us to live together in our family with love and respect for each other.
Make our home a place of blessing, peace and joy for everyone, to the glory of God the Father.
Eternal God, shed your light on us who watch for you,
that our lips may praise you,
our hearts bless you,
and our lives glorify you,
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
(Source - A New Zealand Prayer Book)
Celebration and Holy Communion service - An Anglican service with children's programmes. On the First Sunday of the month 9.30 am-Awhi Rito Informal contemporary Family Communion Service
Holy communion Service with traditional choral music.
Holy Communion Service. Activities available for children during the service.