There are many opportunities to join our Worship on Sundays (8.00 am traditional Anglican Communion service or 9.30 am for a less formal Family service with Communion); Wednesdays (10.00 am Communion Service).
Plus we have special services during the year depending on the Season - see the Diary or Services for details.
Join one of our Church home groups, Women’s Fellowship, Men’s Group, Tuesday drop in or the Contemplative Prayer Group.
Or start a new group - we are always keen to try something new!
Join us for a cup of tea or coffee after the 9.30 am service to meet our wonderful Parishioners.
Speak to the Vicar or one of our Wardens. We are always on the lookout for new activities of opportunities for worship or fellowship.
We are also on the lookout for new outreach programs
- talk to the Vicar or one of the Wardens if you have an idea