Services and Groups

Holy Communion

8 am every Sunday

Holy Communion service. This service follows a traditional Anglican format, and usually finishes at about 9:00 AM. Activities are available for children during the service.

Family Communion Service

9.30 am every Sunday

Celebration and Holy Communion service. A contemporary Anglican service with children's programmes. This service usually finishes at 10:30 AM followed by morning tea and fellowship.

Wednesday Holy Communion Service

10 am every Wednesday

Traditional mid-week Holy Communion service.

Awhi Rito Informal Family Communion Service

First Sunday of the month 9.30 am

Contemplative Prayer Group

Meet at 1pm in the Church on second and fourth Fridays each month

Church Office 478 3575

Reflective Service - Taize style - in abeyance

Quarterly Wednesday 7.30 pm

This service is based in the Taizé tradition, with music, readings, and periods of silence. Next service to be advised - Meriel Johansen 415 3070

Younger Youth Group

Fridays 6.30 pm

Shann Craig 478 5780

Men’s Fellowship

1st Thursday monthly 7.30 pm

Stephen Warnes 473 9113

Tuesday Morning Drop in

3rd Tuesday monthly 10.00 am in Garden Room

Carol Groom 479 5899

Women’s Fellowship

1st Tuesday monthly 10.00 am in Garden Room

Carol Groom 479 5899

Home Group

Third Friday 10.00 am monthly

Hazel Hipkins 478 6508

Home Group

Tuesdays 7.30 pm weekly

Kath Freeman 487 4958

Home Group

First and Third Mondays 7.30 pm monthly

Ursula Scogings 479 8036